Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Free Tools (The Saw)

I have to admit, I am a fan of free tools. And as it just so happens, I have a few friends that happened to have a few power tools lying around that needed a new home.  The first item added to my collection was the table saw.

You may be wondering, who has a spare table saw lying around?  Suffice it to say, that free tools tend require some work.  The table saw for example required a new power cord and some rewiring for the switch.  I probably could stand to invest in a new blade, but that would require spending money.  So with a little bit of wiring work, my table saw has more than paid for itself.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quest for a box

All guitars start with 2 parts.  The first and most important is the box.  The second is the neck, which actually depends on the box.  I work mainly with red oak, black walnut and cherry for neck wood.  Choice of neck wood depends in part on what supply I can get, and in part on how the wood matches up with a particular box.

Today while out and about with the family I stumbled across a new shop that had a boat load of excellent solid wood boxes.  Hopefully, this week I'll get started on the next batch.